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To Attain Ruach HaKodesh

To Attain Ruach HaKodesh

Meditate on the Following

112 26 86

אלהים + יהוה = יב"ק

65 21 26 112

אדני + אהיה + יהוה = יב"ק

224 112 224

יב"ק + יב"ק = דרך

יְהִי רָקִיעַ, אִתְפַּשַּׁט פְּשִׁיטוּ דָא מִן דָּא: אֵ"ל, קִטְפָא יָמִינָא, אֵ"ל גָּדוֹל אִתְפְּשַׁט פְּשִׁיטוּ מִן גּוֹ מַיָיא,

לְאִשְׁתַּלָּמָא שְׁמָא דָא אֵ"ל, וּלְאִתְכַּלָּלָא בְּהַהוּא פְּשִׁיטוּ דָּא בְּדָא, וְאִתְפַּשַּׁט מֵאֵל אֱלֹקִים, הִי"ם אִלֵּין אִתְפַּשָּׁטוּ, וְאִתְהַפָּכוּ לְמֶהֱוֵי מַיִין תַּתָּאִין, ימ"ה, הַהוּא פְּשִׁיטוּ דְּאִתְפַּשַּׁט בַּשֵּׁנִי מַיִין עִלָּאִין הי"ם זֶה הַיָּ"ם גָּדוֹל, הי"ם, מַיִין עִלָּאִין, הִפּוּכָא דְּאִלֵּין אַתְוָון, ימ"ה, מַיִין תַּתָּאִין. כֵּיוָן דְּאִתְתַּקְּנוּ אִתְעֲבִידוּ כֹּלָּא כְּלָלָא חָדָא. וְאִתְפַּשַּׁט שְׁמָא דָא בְּכַמָּה דוּכְתֵּי.

"Let there be a firmament" tells us that an expansion has occurred between the two. The lower waters expanded and were separated from the upper waters, and the upper waters expanded and were separated from the lower waters by the firmament. The letters El (Aleph-Lamed) in the name Elohim (Aleph-Lamed-Hei-Yud-Mem) from the firmament up are of the right part. In other words, El always alludes to the name of Chesed, which is the right side. The name great El has expanded from within the waters and is separated from them. This means that because of the firmament, the name great El has spread upward and has separated itself from the other waters, namely the three letters Hei-Yud-Mem. This was to complete the name El and to include the upper and lower waters within each other through that expansion. And the name El of Elohim expanded, leaving only the three letters Hei-Yud-Mem. Hei-Yud-Mem then expanded down below the firmament and became the lower waters, Yud-Mem-Hei. This is the expansion into the second one, that is, Hei- Yud-Mem into Yud-Mem-Hei. The upper waters are Hei-Yud -Mem, as written, "So is this great and wide sea (Heb. hayam, Hei-Yud-Mem)" (Tehilim 104:25). Thus, Hei Yud Mem are the upper waters. If the letters Hei-Yud-Mem are in reversed order, that is, Yud-Mem-Hei, this indicates they are lower waters. Once the letters Yud-Mem-Hei were restored, they ascended and rose above the firmament and joined the name Great El and returned to the combination of the great sea (Heb. hayam), which was Hei-Yud-Mem. Then everyone, El and Hei-Yud-Mem were united as one, resulting in one name Elohim. And this name Elohim reached into many places.

מַיִין עִלָּאִין דְּכוּרִין, וּמַיִין תַּתָּאִין נוּקְבִין. בְּקַדְמֵיתָא הֲווֹ מַיִם בְּמַיִם, עַד דְּאִתְפְּרָשׁוּ לְאִשְׁתְּמוֹדְעָא מַיִין עִלָּאִין וְתַתָּאִין, דָּא אֱלֹקִים וְדָא אדנ"י, וְדָא ה' עִלָּאָה וְה' תַּתָּאָה. מַה כְּתִיב וַיַּעַשׁ אֱלֹקִים אֶת הָרָקִיעַ. אִתְפַּשְׁטוּתָא דָא נָטַל שְׁמָא דָא, אֱלֹקִים מַיִין עִלָּאִין. וּמַיִין תַּתָּאִין אדנ"י. וְעִם כָּל דָּא, כֵּיוָן דְּאִשְׁתַּלִּימוּ מַיִין דְּכוּרִין בְּמַיִין נוּקְבִין, שְׁמָא דֵאלֹקִים אִתְפַּשַּׁט בְּכֹלָּא.

The upper waters are male; the lower waters are female. At first, before they were firmly established, they were mixed, but were later separated to distinguish the upper waters from the lower waters. And to differentiate them, one is called Elohim, which is Binah, and the other is called Adonai, which is Malchut. One is the upper Hei of the name Yud Hei Vav Hei, which is Binah, and the other is the lower Hei of the name Yud Hei Vav Hei, which is Malchut. It is then written about them: "And Elohim made the firmament" (Beresheet 1:7). This expansion assumed the name Elohim, for the verse: "And Elohim made" indicates that the expansion of Hei-Yud-Mem returned back to El and merged into the name Elohim and the upper waters. For the name Elohim is the upper waters and the name Adonai, the Female principle of Zeir Anpin, is the female waters. Nevertheless, since the male waters, or the letters Hei-Yud-Mem, were completed only by the female waters namely, the Female principle of Zeir Anpin the name Elohim expanded everywhere, including the female waters.



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