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send your donation
via Zelle or Quick Pay to
Mark Lavi - mlavi26@hotmail.com
or via PayPal Elisheva Lavi

Welcome to Visual Kabbalah
Secrets on Chanukah and Shovavim
לימודי חנוכה ושובבים לפי הקבלה
What Shovavim Rectifies
תיקונים של שובבים

If you cannot fast for Shovavim, it is acceptable to pay someone to fast in your name. Every year Mark Yamine Lavi fasts for others and if you would like him to do
it for you too, it is $1 for 84 days total: $84
Please send your name and donation via Zelle or Quick Pay to
Mark Lavi - mlavi26@hotmail.com or via PayPal to his daughter. Elisheva.
The Benefit of Learning with Visual Kabbalah

Visual Kabbalah unites the power of technology with the wisdom of Kabbalah.
Improve your studies with digital access to the Zohar arranged in alphabetical order.
This is the future of learning Kabbalah.
What you gain from Visual Kabbalah:
Topics of the Zohar arranged alphabetically
Top secrets from the Zohar
English translation of subjects from the Zohar
Shiurim / classes
And much more